Tops Markets Everyday Price List
Every week Tops has numerous items in the ad for B1G1, B2G2 and B2G3 deals WITHOUT any prices!! There are many deals that are for produce or Tops brand that you don’t even need a coupon to get a good deal PLUS those B1G1 & B2G3 great deals with coupons!!
Keeping track of these is quite time consuming but I have been adding them to our Tops Coupon Matchups list every week and not advertising that they are in there so many people are missing them as they are not posted when the original list is published! I update these prices every week with the new items and so far we have over 250 items! I am making this price list public so in case you have a coupon you can see what the deal will be. Note that many times the price will be less in the store as Tops has unadvertised deals in store!
These prices are based on Buffalo area store prices and your store’s price may be different!
Bookmark this page in your browser for easy reference by dragging this link to your bookmark bar!!!
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