Six Tips to Maximize Your Grocery Store Budget
Most of us can relate to trying to cut corners. If we don’t, it won’t take long for savings to dwindle and debt to pile up. One of the best and easiest ways to save cash is through our grocery store budget. For some, cutting the grocery bill means eating lean and not having the things they want. The truth is, that is usually not necessary at all.
You can eat well and still stick to a reasonable budget. The key is knowing where you can cut corners and make the biggest difference.
Here are six things you can do right now that will trim your grocery budget and still allow for decent meals for your family:
#1- Work from a List
Having a list in the grocery store might seem rather silly. Some of us have great memories, right? The truth is, having a list has nothing to do with your memory in most cases. Having a list will keep you focused on the things you are actually there for. We can’t aimlessly wander the grocery store and expect our budgets to stay in check. There are too many Baby Ruth candy bars and other such landmines. Eliminate impulse purchases and you will see your budget start to loosen up.
I use Favado Grocery List SmartPhone App for my list. You can add your own items, search for best price and even use coupons that are listed to save more. And the best part is that is FREE!! Sign up for the Favado Grocery List App here with your email so you get the your regional offers. Once you are signed up, then download the app on your smartphone and sign in and start making your list!
#2- Plan Your Meals
Menu planning is all the rage and for good reason….it saves you money. The basics are logical. You plan every meal and shop accordingly. Then you use the leftovers for snacks, lunches and so on. This leaves no waste, you use what you have and your budget stays nice and trim.
Get our Free menu planner here.
#3- Work Leftovers Into The Budget
Leftovers are a huge part of any good grocery budget in that you work them into your cooking plan. Even if you are not going to menu plan all the way (why not?) you can still use leftovers on a regular basis. When you make a meal and have some leftovers, plan a meal immediately to utilize them. When you meal plan, put these leftovers in your plan! For example, when I make meatloaf, I make sure to have on hand all ingredients for chili to use the left over meatloaf during the week. Your grocery store budget will thank you!
#4- Stock Up On Sale Items That Are Non-Perishable
We are generally good as a society about grabbing things that are on sale. That said, we are not very good at getting items we actually need. Sale prices on items we are not going to use are just bad choices. The same goes for items that will go bad before they can be used. For this reason, focus your bulk purchasing for items that are non-perishable or that will be used quickly. To make this easier, find the store you shop at on our Store Deals page and use our coupon matchups to help you stock up on the non-perishable items.
#5- Don’t Become a Store Snob for your grocery store budget’s sake!
Are you one of those folks that will only shop at one store? If so, your loyalty rules! Unfortunately your budget is bearing the weight of your dedication. Shopping around is the number one way to ensure you save money at the grocery store. No one store can be the cheapest on every single item. If you plan things out the right way, you can hit different places for different things and make it worth your while. I shop approximately 5 stores per month. I do not have time to hit all every week, but I do make sure I shop multiple stores to get as many freebies and deals I can to fill my pantry and household and beauty closets so I never have to pay full price for them.
#6- Cut Coupons and Follow Sales – my favorite 😉
You hear it all the time, but coupons and sales prices are simply free money. With the amount of stores we cover and all of the other sites on the web, you can save a fortune if you learn how to properly coupon. Spend some time cutting coupons even if they are only on the items you buy all the time. You can get started right here with us. Check out these 10 tips to save 50% with coupons to get rolling!
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Grocery store budgeting doesn’t have to be hard. Simply take the time to implement these six things into your grocery store budget routine and you will find yourself saving right away!
Priyanka Tripati
Friday 11th of March 2016
Nice article on how to save our money on all our purchases through the couponing sites. I do agree with this, i saved a lot on all my online purchases.