Printable Quaker cereal and bars coupons are pretty rare so make sure to print these for deals at Tops, Wegmans and Walmart before they disappear!
Starting next week Sunday 1/24, Tops will have Quaker Life Cereal, Cap’n Crunch Cereal & Quaker Granola Bars on sale for only $1.88! With these 2 coupons you can score Cereal for $.38 box and Chewy bars for only $1.38! Purchase Limit is 4.
Deals starting at Tops 1/24
[pl-deal id=’125220′][pl-title]Quaker Life or Cap’n Crunch Cereal[/pl-title][pl-desc]$.75/1 Quaker Cereal printable here[/pl-desc][pl-price]1.88[/pl-price][pl-finalprice]0.38[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
[pl-deal id=’125221′][pl-title]Quaker Chewy Bars, 5 ct[/pl-title][pl-desc]$1/2 Quaker Chewy Bars printable here[/pl-desc][pl-price]1.88[/pl-price][pl-finalprice]1.38[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
Quaker Rice Crisps Deals going on now at Tops
[pl-deal id=’125222′][pl-title]Quaker Rice Crisps[/pl-title][pl-desc]$1/2 Quaker Rice Crisps printable here[/pl-desc][pl-price]1.67[/pl-price][pl-finalprice]1.17[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
Deals at Wegmans:
[pl-deal id=’125223′][pl-title]Quaker Chewy Bars Shoppers club thru 1/30[/pl-title][pl-desc]$1/2 Quaker Chewy Bars printable here[/pl-desc][pl-price]2.00[/pl-price][pl-finalprice]1.50[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
Quaker Deals at Walmart:
[pl-deal id=’125224′][pl-title]Quaker Cap’n Crunch Cereal 20-22 oz[/pl-title][pl-desc]$0.75/1 Quaker Cereal printable here[/pl-desc][pl-price]2.67[/pl-price][pl-finalprice]1.92[/pl-finalprice][/pl-deal]
Amazon Online Deals for Quaker
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