Check out our WNY Holiday Ham Price Comparison to see where the lowest price is to buy!
At least one of your Christmas or Easter brunch/dinners are usually a holiday ham so just like I did with the Turkey Price comparison on Thanksgiving, I decided to help you all compare ham prices per lb for this holiday!! This should hopefully make it really easy for your holiday shopping 🙂 Are you looking for a Honey Baked Ham Price? We have included online Honey Baked Ham price and coupon codes if you want those!
Looks like this year Price Rite year has the lowest price on Spiral Hams at $.99 lb and lowest price on Shank Portion Hams at $.79lb, with Price Chopper right behind at $.99lb!!! I am a little disappointed with Tops Markets and Save A Lot this year. I do not have an update on ham prices at Walmart in store other than the advertised $1.98lb Spiral, so if anyone knows them or Target prices, please add them in the comments.
Just like with turkeys at Thanksgiving, I use this time of year to fill my freezer at these ham stock up prices. This is how you can cut hundreds off your grocery bill so you are not paying full price at another time of year.
Price Rite Spiral Ham Price only $.99lb and Shak portion only $.79lb!

Price Chopper Fricks Butt Ham Price

Aldi Spiral Ham price only $1.19lb!

Save A Lot Ham Shank Portions Price only $1.39 lb

Honeybaked Ham Online
Some families will only buy Honeybaked Hams, and we do have some Honey Baked coupon codes if you are interested in those! At almost $10 per lb in some instances, these will at least save you some $!
Use promo code 941963: $15 Off Your Order of $80 at Honeybaked Ham (Site-Wide)
Make sure to check other ham prices in the Weekly Ad Previews
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