Get Farm Rich Appetizers as low as $1.74 with new coupon and ibotta offer!!
Farm Rich Appetizers are a great quick snack and just in time for game day we have a new sale and coupon starting Sunday at Tops Markets! There are insert coupons and printables– scroll down for the breakdown!
Print these coupons before they are gone:
I don’t know for sure if meatballs will be in the sale but I am printing just in case!!
Here is the how to get these deals:
Buy (1) Farm Rich Appetizers= $3.99
Use (1) $.75/1 Farm Rich printable coupon doubled here= less $1.50
Pay at Register= 2.49
Submit for $.75/1 Farm Rich Ibotta Offer (up to 5 times redeem!!) = less $.75
Final Price= only $1.74
Print the $1 coupons and score this deal:
Buy (1) Farm Rich Appetizers= $3.99
Use (1) $1/1 Farm Rich printable coupon here= less $1.00
Pay at Register= 2.99
Submit for $.75/1 Farm Rich Ibotta Offer (up to 5 times redeem!!) = less $.75
Final Price= only $2.24!!
You can get up to 5 rebates through Ibotta!! These are great deals considering everyday price on these are from $5.99 -$6.99!!
Check out more Game Day snack recipes here!!
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