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*Hot* Back To School Prices on Elmers Glue Sticks as low as $.25 each!

elmers glue stick

Snag these awesome prices on Elmer’s Glue Sticks NOW!!

Retailers online and in store such as Amazon, Walmart and Office Depot are already starting Back to School Deals! Check out and compare these prices of Elmers Glue sticks below!

Walmart Elmers Deals:

Elmers Glue Sticks

Get this 2 stick pack for only $.50= $.25 each!

Buy this deal here

You can shop Walmart from home for your school supply needs here and pick up at store! Don’t fight the crowds…let someone else do the work!

Amazon Elmers Glue Sticks Deal:

Right now, you can score a 30 pack of Elmers Glue Sticks for only $9.60 which is only $.32 each!

elmers glue sticks deal

Prices on Amazon change quickly so make sure to check the price before buying! 

Grab yours here now! 

Buy this deal here


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